I used to think mothers, fathers, or siblings are the only people that can share with unconditional love. But now I believe you can give it to anyone you want to, because it doesn’t limit to whom you can share it with. That’s one thing I think is great about about love. I have love for a sister-like friend without conditional love. We grew up together since elementary. We went to separate schools but we manage to keep in touch through email and instant messages. Yeah we do have our ups and downs moment in the past but that didn’t stop the love we shared. So therefore I am going to love her no matter what she does. I was taught to love my family without any conditioning love; not just to my immediate family but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. But not other families are fortunate to share this wonderful kind of pure love. You hear about parents abusing children every day. That is not the kind of love that anyone should give to their kids. You also hear a lot about siblings rivalries to the extreme. Other families could be taught that you should love your immediate family and care less about the rest. I am fortunate and blessed I didn’t have to go through that. But you know what; most Christians think “Only God can give unconditional love”. I would agree so but according to John 15:12 it speaks for something else.
Notice I didn’t mention unconditional love for boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, or wives. That’s because I wouldn’t recommend any couples to do so because that’s like giving a green card saying “Honey, you can go head and cheat on me as many times as you want to and I am still going to love you the same way”. Don’t get me wrong it’s sometime possible to give it to anyone who’s in love. Sometime it’s heart breaking to see what people actually go through with unbreakable love. It’s too painful for me to go through all the pains and suffering to especially love someone who is not fully committed in the relationship. I want some to trust and show the love that I would like to feel. So for whomever I fall in love with, we will have to have some certain conditions to go through in order to make relationship last.